
end of year message from the principal

BY Mrs K. Stear

4 December 2019
Dear Parents
As this year draws to an end, we trust that you can look back and see the growth in your daughter physically, academically and emotionally. We thank you for choosing Riebeek as the school for your daughter and we continue to do our best to help your daughter to become independent, a critical thinker, a life-long learner and resilient when facing adversity.
At the close of this year, we bid farewell to a few staff members. Mrs Skeates, who has been teaching grade four for 39 years, is retiring. We wish her peace and fulfillment in her retirement and we hope that she will return often to visit us.  Miss Meyers took up the position of Afrikaans teacher in the Senior School two and a half years ago and is now leaving us to take up a lecturing position at Varsity College. We wish her great happiness and wish her luck with her studies towards her Masters Degree. Miss Barnard has been at Riebeek for two years and she now leaves us for the beautiful shores of Cape Town and an English teaching post at a private school. We wish her well.
I need to pay huge tribute to all the staff at Riebeek who work tirelessly in the interest of all the girls who attend this school. They really go beyond the extra mile to give of their best in all spheres of school life.
Thank you to the parents of the school for your support. We appreciate your prompt payment of fees, your cheering at the side of the sports fields, your attendance at functions and meetings and the general interest that you show for the school and your daughter.
We are indebted to our active and committed School Governing Body members who give much of their time and expertise to the School.
May you all enjoy a blessed Festive Season, a peaceful and relaxing holiday and a wonderful New Year.

 December 06, 2019
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Mrs K. Stear

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