
The Amazing Race Cultural Party

BY Malakhiwe Hoffman
The annual Cultural Induction Dinner was a vibrant event. With its theme, The Amazing Race, organised by Angelique Tee, the girls were excited to represent different cultures and diverse styles, with a trip around the world to announce the Committees 2017/2018, awarding 112 learners with 240 positions on the 18 committees.

Tables were decorated by heads of societies to represent their prospective country: Media had gold pyramids to represent Egypt, SPCA Kenyan animals, SCA pineapples and wreaths for Hawaii and many more gorgeously designed tables that were interior design wonders.

Ambesa Daniels and Khanya Jantjies served as the master of ceremonies and were absolutely amazing - they made us feel as though we were aboard an airplane heading to our various destinations.

Heads of societies stood on the podium on the stage and reminised about their term of office, told stories of memories and jokes and shared thank you's before announcing the new committee, which was also announced on a powerpoint in the front of the hall. The girls cheered and screamed for those announced on committees and the atmosphere screamed pride, love, admiration and joy.

Mrs Gerber gave a wonderful speech about being on committees and gave inspiring words that we all have the potential to accomplish greatness on a committee we can call home. Even if you don't get on a particular committee, fear not - she encouraged us because we can still be involved.

All good airlines have delicious food and Cultural Airlines was no different; English tea awaited the girls at the back of the hall and chicken rolls ensured many a happy stomach with pocket cokes and fantas quenching our thirst and ice-creams providing a cool down after dancing, laughing and having immense amounts of fun.

Although the dinner brought great happiness, it also symbolised the loss of our beloved committee, the AM'17, Awesome Matrics of 2017. The lovely seniors set an example for all the girls. They graced the dinner with class, enthusiasm and fun filled spirits, uplifting the girls. The Matrics were delighted to be honoured with a slideshow of moments and a personal certificate with a "most likely to..." award for each matric. Then there was a sing along to Kurt Darren's "Loslappie".

This prestigious event also served as a platform to showcase the extraordinary talents and abilities that Riebeek imprints on its girls. The SCA showed themselves to be obedient and disciplined as the first table to be settled. Enthusiastic and energetic, the Cultural Board table received the best spirit award. Creativity was shown by SPCA who won the award for the best table decor. Usixolise Sana won the best dressed award.

The afternoon ended with a pledge by the new committee members joined by the Matrics, promising to uphold their responsibilities and fulfill their duties with spirit and enthusiasm.

Special thanks go to the Cultural Board, Miacarla Tee, the Media Committee Photographers and Mr Weidemann, the awesome waitresses, the teachers who supported us the event, Mrs Gerber, Mrs Stark and, especially, Angelique Tee for an amazing event.
 August 06, 2017
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Malakhiwe Hoffman

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