
Prayer at Mr Hoare's memorial service

BY Julienne Van Aardt

Let us bow our heads in prayer.

Heavenly Father, we have gathered here to celebrate the life of our beloved teacher, Mr. Hoare, and we thank you for this opportunity to salute one of the great sons of our institution. We thank you for calling Mr. Hoare to this honourable vocation, and for blessing him not only with a brilliant mind, but also with a teaching heart. Mr. Hoare ignited a love for Science, his chosen field, in young girls, many of whom followed in his footsteps. Often, dear Lord, a subject is just another subject, but it takes a great teacher to create a passion in young minds. That is what Mr. Hoare did, and we thank you that he shared such a huge part of his life with us. Even after his retirement, You made it possible for him to still be available to the school, and it is with gratitude in our hearts that we celebrate his life today. Thank you for allowing him the best care while he was with his loved ones. We pray that you will continue to console them and help them to find peace, as his presence will be sorely missed. We pray that the teachings he gave, continue to inspire us. We pray that his questioning, analytical mind will continue to encourage us to question life and seek the answers within, where the Kingdom of God resides. May all who revered and loved him, find comfort in knowing that he has found his purpose, and he lived up to his purpose, and he completed his purpose. We pray that we too, shall find our own purposes in life and live it as fully as Mr. Hoare did. Thank you for blessing our lives with his, and may the Lord bless his soul always.



Written by Julienne Van Aardt

Read by Martez Meyer 

 April 08, 2016
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Julienne Van Aardt

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